Psychedelics and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

At the tail end of my BSc., I joined a team of incredible pharmacists and intensivists in the ICU. I rounded on patients and sat in on meetings where treatment protocols for traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases were discussed. One of my research projects addressed drugs that should and, more importantly, should not be used to manage the psychological symptoms that follow a TBI (i.e. antipsychotics, anxiolytics, antidepressants). They symptom manage - which is needed in the acute phase, but aren’t always ideal long term. They don't truly treat root causes, nor are they adequately supporting the impact a TBI can have on one's quality of life. THIS is why I chose to explore how psychedelics and integration could fill the gaps of traditional pharmacotherapy for individuals with TBI.

Research is showing that psychedelics regulate inflammatory pathways and activate the release of neurotrophic factors that promote the growth and differentiation of new neural pathways. With psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT), people are finding themselves again after their injury and healing faster, not only returning to baseline, but showing growth and reporting they are "better than before".

Stanford Medicine-Substantial symptom alleviation following Magnesium-Ibogaine

(Image from the MAPS PS 23’ conference, Denver, CO.)

An active study at Stanford is demonstrating that veterans with TBI given ibogaine-mg are returning to baseline (disability scores) in as little as 1-6 months post treatment.

Millions of people sustain a TBI annually in the United States! The repercussions of a TBI extend beyond the physical impact that harms the brain. Equally concerning are the subsequent symptoms that can persist for years, such as insomnia, diminished focus, heightened photosensitivity, headaches, and tinnitus, among others. The imperative for support from a mental health specialist becomes paramount aka the necessity for integration paired with PAT.

Another area that is not often discussed, but equally as important, is the disruption to hormonal balance, leading to a whole slew of issues impacting everything from libido and fertility, to stress, energy and focus (adrenal dysfunction and thyroid dysfunction), to menstrual cycle (hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction), and muscle retention and growth (GH deficiency).

Sexual health is a realm that pertains to each and every one of us; a complex landscape at times. In a united front, we gather for these dialogues, unveiling these multifaceted dimensions . And in this exploration, we illuminate how psychedelics emerge as a pillar of support, offering a profound resonance with this intricate aspect of our lives. You can read more about women’s hormones and how psychedelics can offer support: here.

Stay tuned for an upcoming article on how TBI can deregulated hormonal balance in both men and women, and what research is underway to lend support and offer a journey back to emotional and sexual wellbeing.

Read an additional article here: Healing TBI


Female Hormones and Psychedelics


Trip On This Podcast: The science, the magic, and everything in between